Friday, July 5, 2019

Permaculture Farm Demo

I've had some extra free time recently, so I spent it creating the below level in Dreams! 

I wanted to try visualizing what could be a real place. There are many pieces of software that do this for architectural design (There's even a home improvement show on BBC  that uses VR to demo potential changes, 'Your Home Made Perfect).

The Dreams engine is unlikely to match professional software for detail and accuracy - but surely the gameplay tools add a lot, as players have the ability to interact and explore scenes in an engaging way. Check out the video below:

I added info tokens, so players can learn more while they explore the level. There is great potential for educational levels like this I think. Screenshots below show off the level in more detail:

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Update - Media Molecule May News Letter

So Media Molecule have released their May newsletter. You can read it here:

I'm surprised we're still in Early Access... which launched well over a month ago. (Dreams Early Access is a chance to purchase the game for a discounted price while large updates and patches are still being rolled out. At the time of writing, and in the UK, Early Access is still available as far as I know - this is a great opportunity to save some cash before the game is released with full retail price). The update on Early Access from the newsletter is pasted below:

Early Access Update #1!

Early Access Update #1! The first big update to Dreams Creator Early Access is right around the corner, and we can't wait to show you what we've been working on! Dreams' first Early Access patch will have new content for you to play around with, fixes and improvements to the game based on your feedback and more!

We can't wait to share details of everything included shortly, so stay tuned to our social channels!

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Media Molecule March 2019 Newsletter

Oh hi everybody,

Media Molecule have updated their March 2019 Newsletter! They explicitly draw everyones attention to the fact that they promised Early Access to Dreams in Spring 2019, and that it is now officially Spring 2019 :) Exciting times.

Also, check out the below Dreams infographic with facts and figures from the BETA:

Dreams BETA infographic

Friday, February 22, 2019

Have you signed up to be the first to hear about Dreams Early Access?

A new post on the PlayStation Blog announces Early Access to Media Molecule's Dreams will be available from Spring 2019! We don't quite know when in spring, and to add to the anxiety Early Access spaces will be limited.

A link on the blog offers updates in exchange for your PSN ID. links to the US and EU sign up site are included below. Mm have promised to announce further regions that will benefit from early access in due course.

I for one am a little nervous. By all accounts, the early access sounds like a brilliant deal for players who already know they want the game. It may have a lower price point than at full release, and there is the obvious benefit of getting your hands on it ASAP. However, during the closed Beta, communication issues meant some players were left disappointed when technicalities around the sign-up process delayed their access. I hope Mm find a way to limit disappointment this time around. I will be watching all news sources like a hawk for announcements...

EU Blog Early Access announcement'-creator-early-access-launches-this-spring-here's-everything-you-need-to-know/

US Blog Early Access announcement

Friday, February 8, 2019

End of the Beta

The Beta testing phase for Media Molecule's Dreams wrapped up at the beginning of this week.

Dreams Creator Beta finished

It was fantastic to be involved. The Beta completely smashed my expectations, which were incredibly high. I've included some screenshots below, but I'll write more about the Beta, and share pics and videos of player content later in the week.

For now, I just can't wait for them to drop the release date!

Beta - Halfling Village screenshot

Some scenery from a fantasy game I was building. This was the first game I started. Sadly the Beta ended before I could finish it :(

Beta Connie the Cone Screenshot

Connie the Cone in her home space.

Beta abstract red art

Some surreal art made sing random kaleidoscopic shapes that were set on spinners. I made videos of these and will upload soon.

Beta abstract red art 2

I used gadgets in game to create a pulsing effect with the colours and lights which looked really cool. Can't wait to play around like this more when the game comes out, and perhaps turn them into an abstract game!